
Showing posts from January, 2011

Thanks Sensei :D

It’s getting freezing lately. I just feel crazy when every morning I see a couple decimal number in weather news.  But then I just amazed, wondering how perfect God creates my body, a humankind, can survive in a ranges of temperature. Though, I still need adaptation, man! (just typed this sentence while glancing at my dry-cracked skinned finger) I did test today, though I still have 3 more next week. What I wanna say to my exam is : “thanks, you perfectly warmed my brain in this chill, lol”. I got a nice experience this afternoon. It started when me and my friend decided to waiting for the exam time in BII building, in front of SALC (language center room) and also language teachers office in 1 st floor. So, after we finished accounting class at 14.00, we did our plan. When we got there, I took a wudlu in bathroom since I need to pray dhuhr. Then, as usual, I walked to the place where I used to pray but I found people were practicing nihongo conversation there. Hmm, okay, it means I sh

Having Future like them, can I??

In this chilly noon, I declare that I’ll keep up writing and sharing in such a routine once a year week as it was written in my this year resolution. (Oh God, don’t let me getting regret of making this resolution) Anyway, today I wanna share about the last episode of my favorite Indonesian TV program, Kick Andy. This morning- just call it morning though in fact it was already late morning as my clock’s needle had almost pointed on double 1 number- I just woke up and as usual, got my hand touched my laptop spacebar to wake it up from his sleep. I checked my email, and 1 of numbers of my new email (I’d prefer to write it in this way-a numbers of new email- to make myself seems like an important person, than to be honest that it almost all spams, lol) is from my mother. “If you have time, watch Kick Andy,” she said. Okay, I was too lazy to start weekend with either doing my homework or study, so I follow my mom’s suggestion. Then I went to the official website of Metro TV through t